Generic Viagra - Yes/No

Generic Viagra is manufactured not by the company “Pfizer”, which was the inventor of the original drug and owned patent for it, but by more...

Without a prescription?

Many patients wonder if Viagra can be bought over the counter. The answer is positive, this can be easily done in lots of online pharmacies.

Is it possible to get discount?

Traditionally, it is considered not very good to save money on drugs. About cheap viagra...

Viagra: Dosage, Price and Reviews

Viagra is a medication for treatment of erectile dysfunction, currently widely spread in the whole world. It is an effective and safe remedy, the action of which is based on the ability of the main active substance Sildenafil Citrate to cause increased supply of blood to the genital area and dilate arteries in cavernous bodies of the penis, which results in formation of an erection. However, in order for it to appear, a man should feel sexual desire. In this way, this drug affects the sexual sphere of a man not as an aphrodisiac or an absolute stimulant, but as an enhancer of the natural process of the onset of an erection, an indispensable condition of which is sexual desire.

To date, Viagra has a large number of generics manufactured in various countries by different pharma companies. Many patients prefer them due to their lower price and the same effect.

Viagra Dosage for ED

This drug is produced form of pills. They are diamond-shaped, of bright blue color, and patients are free to choose from the dosages of 100, 50 and 25 mg of the active substance in one pill. Generic Viagra has the same dosages, but the tablets may have different appearance and auxiliary substances.

Viagra 100 mg is usually recommended for men who suffer from severe erectile dysfunction (ED), which wasn’t treated by any medications before. Such sexual pathology is most often rooted in circulatory disorders in the pelvis or serious psychoemotional problems. This dosage provides the maximum effect of the medication, but when taking the pills, it is worthwhile to be cautious: side effects can be strongly pronounced. Taking more than 100 mg per day is strictly prohibited!

Viagra 50 mg is a more common dosage option, prescribed in the vast majority of cases. It is a proper choice for combating ED rooted in passive lifestyle, stressful situations, dull and routine sexual life, stagnant phenomena of medium severity in the genitals etc. Taking a 50 mg pill, you will successfully fight most potency disorders, not allowing them to develop further and poison your life.

Viagra 25 mg is a good dosage variant for men who want to raise confidence in their sexual powers and insure that everything would be alright in bed even if they are tired, had hard days at work or quarreled with their second halves. This option perfectly copes with the initial stage of erectile dysfunction, when an erection occurs for a short time or it is difficult to maintain it at the proper level.

When choosing the most suitable dosage for you, pay attention to the following factors:
  • What is the severity of your erectile dysfunction (you sometimes have problems in bed, you often can’t have sex because of an insufficient erection, or it does not appear at all, and you can’t start a sexual act)?
  • Do you have concomitant diseases in the sexual sphere, such as premature ejaculation?
  • Do you have compensated cardiovascular diseases?
  • What is your age? (It is not recommended for patients older than 60 years to take the maximum dosage of the drug.)

Pay attention! Before purchasing and taking this medicine in any dosage, it is advised to consult a doctor or at least to carefully study instructions for use. Don’t take the Viagra if you have any contraindications to it.

Prices of Viagra

Despite many of its positive qualities, for many patients branded medication is too expensive. In some cases, the price of one pill of 100 mg can reach 10 dollars – many men are discouraged from being treated for erectile dysfunction.

Fortunately, generic Viagra is much cheaper. Prices for one tablet start at $ 1.5, and when you order a large number of tablets, the price can be further reduced. Generics make treatment of problems with potency real for people with any income level.

The most profitable prices for these generic medications are in online pharmacies, which offer really attractive terms of sale and delivery. Since such drugstores don’t spend money on large staff and retail outlets, they have the cheapest Viagra. However, be careful: if the price is ridiculously low, the offered drug may be a counterfeit or placebo. Make orders only in online pharmacies with good reputation and check if the drug is licensed!

Generic Viagra reviews

Here are some reviews of customers who purchased Viagra online:

“Hey guys, my name is Peter. Some time ago I noticed that my erection had become weaker than usual. At the moment I have been taking generic Viagra for half a month, and I’m fully satisfied with the result! My potency hasn’t just returned to the previous level, it has increased. The price of pills isn’t shocking, it’s quite reasonable. I think in a couple of weeks I will finish the course, and I hope my problems won’t come back!”

“I’m 62 years old, and for about five years my potency was decreasing and sex was getting worse. I was afraid to take any stimulators, but recently I’ve stepped over an article about generic Viagra. I made up my mind to try this med, and it was worth it! I feel young again, have sex three or four times a week, and my wife is very much surprised by these changes in our relations. I’d say also that my improved sexual life has stimulated me to return to caring for my body, going to the gym. I haven’t experienced any side effect, by the by.”

“Hello, I’m Michael, 43. Yesterday I’ve tried generic Viagra 50 mg. I bought it in an online drugstore, as prices there are much lower. I’ve been experiencing some small problems with my erection last several days, but this time everything was just super! I had a slight headache next morning, but believe me, a hangover is a much worse thing.”

“My name is Richard. I prefer ordering generic Viagra online. It saves me a lot of money, and delivery is a very convenient option. I don’t take this med on a regular basis, but when I feel tired or nervous, I know that my potency can betray me. In order not to upset myself and my wife, I take a 25 mg pill, for me this dosage is enough. The sensations during sex are a bit brighter when I take the pill, but there is nothing artificial in it, which I like a lot.”

“My story is a bit funny. I’m 21, but I had my first sex only two days ago, and it happened due to Viagra. I always get aroused very easily, but when it came to sex with my girl, I was so nervous that my penis simply refused to become erect. Thanks God, my girl didn’t mock at me. The next day I bought this drug, and with the help of a 25 mg pill everything was OK! Yesterday I already didn’t need the med and made everything myself.”