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Attorney Advertising, Advertising Material: Hospital Class Action Lawsuits & Investigations are being handled by Thomas & Solomon LLP. Prior Results do not guarantee similar outcomes. Damage awards in other lawsuits are only identified as an example of the types of settlements obtained and are not a guarantee of whether any recovery may be obtained. If Thomas & Solomon LLP represents you, our representation will be limited to unpaid wage claims or claims arising out of wage and hour law as alleged in the complaint if it is filed. This website should not be construed as legal advice. Attorneys at Thomas & Solomon LLP are licensed to practice in New York State, California, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania only. Thomas & Solomon is not responsible for the content of external internet sites or images from other sources.
Are There Any Deadlines?
Yes. If you are awarded money under federal law, you will likely be able to collect back wages
only for the three years immediately prior to the date of filing of your consent to join the lawsuit.
Therefore, every day that you wait to contact our legal team means you could be losing some or
all of your claim. If you do want to find out what, if anything, you may be owed, you should
How Was I Not Paid Overtime Correctly?
Our team’s investigation into the pay practices of the health care industry has shown that many employers automatically deduct the time for a meal period even when that employee did not get an uninterrupted meal period.
It is against the law for your employer to not pay you for a meal period when you are interrupted or miss it. Federal law and regulations clearly say such time must be paid for.
The United States Department of Labor has recently issued a bulletinwarning health care employers that they are breaking the law whenever they deduct for meal periods and their health care employees are interrupted or miss that meal period.
Really, what the employer is doing is “stealing time”—from you. Your employer would fire you if you automatically added a half-an-hour a day to your time, whether you worked it or not. It is just as wrong for your employer to automatically take a half-an-hour of time away from you each day whether you worked through your meal period or not.
Similar cases brought by different attorneys in other jurisdictions have resulted in significant recoveries for employees and you may be eligible.
A similar case filed against a health care employer was recently settled by our legal team.
Remember, prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
We often find additional violations as well in our investigation of employers’ pay practices.
What If I Knew I Was Not Going To Be Paid For This Time?
That does not matter—you still need to be paid for it. The regulations require that you be paid for all time you are permitted to work. If you work the time, you are to be paid for it, even if you agreed to work, and even if you did not expect to get paid for it.
What If I Don’t Have Any Time Records?
You don’t need your time records to be able to recover money. The law requires that your employer keep accurate time records for the time you worked. If the employer did not do that—for example by automatically deducting a half-an-hour for lunch even when you worked part or all of that time—your testimony will be used to determine the amount you are owed.
Do I Need To Pay Any Money?
No. There is absolutely no cost to participate in this investigation.
You will also not be charged any money upfront to participate in a lawsuit we file. Instead, our costs and fees will be paid by the employer, or from any settlement or verdict. If there is no recovery you are not obligated to pay any fees or costs.
If a lawsuit is filed and if we get money or other benefits for the employees, we may ask the Court for our fees and expenses. Typically, if a case settles, a portion of a settlement or verdict is approved by the court as attorney fees. Costs of the lawsuit are also typically paid out of the settlement fund. In no case would you be asked to spend your own money for attorney fees or costs. You won't have to pay these fees and expenses out-of-pocket. If the Court grants the lawyers’ request, the fees and expenses would be either deducted from any money obtained for the Class or paid separately by your employer. To the extent fees and costs are paid from a settlement fund, the class members' share is reduced.
If the Plaintiffs obtain money or benefits as a result of the trial or a settlement, you will be notified about how to participate. We do not know how long this will take.
Should I Be Afraid Of Participating In The Investigation?
No. If you would like to talk at no charge or obligation to one of the attorneys handling this investigation, please contact us. We will not share that information with anyone, including your employer, unless and until you ask us to act on your behalf in a lawsuit we have filed to ask for your back wages.